Saturday, December 18, 2010

Take your time

Hmmm..something to ponder about..aku sangat admire Tan Sri Syed Al Bukhary and of course Tan Sri Halim Saad himself. Being a really kind hearted person, may Allah bless them and others who are also on the same path with them all. Semoga ramai lagi mampu jadi seperti mereka, and may Allah shows me the way to be like one of them. Amin. Credit goes to Afif Ali for posting this an eye opening video. May it aspires us to succeed and try our hardest to become a person who appreciates others in our own ways.

Kerana tak ramai mampu jadi seperti mereka. And to learn more about them, just google or maybe search on facebook and you'll find more interesting facts about them. How they fall and bounced back. I had the chance to be face to face with this fantastic man, Tan Sri Halim and I'll never forget all the good deeds you've done to me. Thanks again although you might not even know me, I am surely will never forget you. May Allay bless you. Amin..

Tan Sri Halim Saad
p/s:actually ramai lagi yang aku admire. Both of them are part of the people.


ira said...

okey, komen yg tiada kaitan ngan entry..ko takde shoutmix box, so aku bgtu kat sini..

meh amik award kat blog aku..(^,^)

'affanali said...

ape tu?haha..xpandai weh..

Unknown said...

ahah.tah nyaa..pajadah tah shoutmix...


ira said...

kita kena sebut menatang tu shoutbox je ea? hoho~~~~