Sunday, October 23, 2011
Sem 1, 2nd Year
Sumpah lama gila x mengupdate blog. Kadang-kadang malas sebenarnya, or nothing to be said. Hangat-hangat tahi ayam?? Tak kot.. More to mencari ilham utk bercerita is the real reason. Mak cakap, kalau org xnk jgn dipaksa. Nnt orang mrh kita. Lebih baik, duduk diam and observe. Aku bukan nujum, pandai melihat masa depan. Tapi aku rasa aku boleh agak what will happen or what's happening by observing people. Pengaruh movie kot. Tapi so far, apa yang aku predict, it just happened. Macam de ja vu cmtulah.. But this is based on my life's story. Penat wehhhh..Kadang-kadang jadi baik ni memakan diri. Tapi mak pn pesan. Buat baik berpada-pada. Buat jahat jgn sekali. Okay fine bkn mak pesan. Orang tua-tua dulu berpesan. But it's practical. I have my limits. Perlu ke kita judge people by their pasts? Mestilah tak kan. In fact we have no right to judge people. So if you come to me and talk about someone's past, it'll not affect me at all. Tapi aku judge people by what they did to me. Tapi buatlah mcm mana pn, i'll try my best to take it positively, take it from other side of the story. I have my limits. Okay aku pun dah xtau apa aku ckp. It just crossed my mind. Oh btw, lately aku selalu dengar org ckp finger cross lah..geeeezz lahh..kat facebook especially. if only they know the real meaning.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
oh yeah!! It's Ramadhan!!!
Pertama sekali saya mengucapkan selamat datang kepada awak. Terima kasih kerana sudi hadir sekali lagi dalam hidup saya. Selama 20 tahun hidup, alhamduillah awak datang bersama infinity kaf ba ra kaf alif ta nun (kalau x salah lah kan). So alhamdulillah, sempat lagi ramadhaan datang dalam hidup aku ni. Azam kali ni, xmau skip terawih. Tapi nmpknya terpaksa jugak memandangkn aku akan balik kedah esok atau lusa. Bas mestilah malam kan. Boleh jugak kalau nak mntak pak cik bas singgah dulu nk terawih mana2. Kot2 lah boleh. Setiap kali ramadhan datang aku msti pasang niat. Niat nak jadi baik, or maybe lebih baik. Harapnya dimakbulkan niat.
Bila eh first start puasa?? Aku pun dah lupa. Yelah, dulu aku puasa sebab aku nk puasa. Seriously, bukan sebab nk dapat duit raya or upah sebab puasa penuh. Tapi adalah jugak time kecik2 (mind the word kecik2) dulu curik2 minum air masa tgh mandi. Alasannya tertelan. Memang xlah kan. Cara tak menghalalkan matlamat yok!
Apa yang aku igt time kecik2, puasa amatlah azab. Dahaga, lapar, pastu dengki sbb kwn2 aku boleh makan dgn sesuka hati. Tapi xpe, azam kena kuat time tu, barulah boleh berlagak dgn kwn2 sbb puasa penuh. Bila time berbuka msti xtahan sbb tgk iklan kat tv yg sedap. Tambah seksa bila, azan kat kl dah berkumandang, tapi berbuka kat kedah lmbat few minutes. Few minutes of hell..selalunya aku dah ready kat meja mkn.
Sekarang bila dah besar xlah rasa sgt. Raya pn xlah mcm raya time kecik2. Baru puasa sehari kot dah cte psl raya. Tapi aku rasa ni habit yg aku xleh tinggal sejak dulu lg. Menghias rumah dengan pelita bila time dekat2 dgn raya. Tambah2 skrg bila dah dok kt kg. Serius best pasang pelita=) Rasa meriah sgt. Cant wait to get home sweet home. Nak berbuka dgn family. lah ni buat hal. Semangat je aku basuh baju semua kat kolej.
Anyway, selamat berpuasa utk diri sendiri, and to anyone who drops by here purposely or accidentally. Wishing u all d best dalam beribadat..
Bila eh first start puasa?? Aku pun dah lupa. Yelah, dulu aku puasa sebab aku nk puasa. Seriously, bukan sebab nk dapat duit raya or upah sebab puasa penuh. Tapi adalah jugak time kecik2 (mind the word kecik2) dulu curik2 minum air masa tgh mandi. Alasannya tertelan. Memang xlah kan. Cara tak menghalalkan matlamat yok!
Apa yang aku igt time kecik2, puasa amatlah azab. Dahaga, lapar, pastu dengki sbb kwn2 aku boleh makan dgn sesuka hati. Tapi xpe, azam kena kuat time tu, barulah boleh berlagak dgn kwn2 sbb puasa penuh. Bila time berbuka msti xtahan sbb tgk iklan kat tv yg sedap. Tambah seksa bila, azan kat kl dah berkumandang, tapi berbuka kat kedah lmbat few minutes. Few minutes of hell..selalunya aku dah ready kat meja mkn.
Sekarang bila dah besar xlah rasa sgt. Raya pn xlah mcm raya time kecik2. Baru puasa sehari kot dah cte psl raya. Tapi aku rasa ni habit yg aku xleh tinggal sejak dulu lg. Menghias rumah dengan pelita bila time dekat2 dgn raya. Tambah2 skrg bila dah dok kt kg. Serius best pasang pelita=) Rasa meriah sgt. Cant wait to get home sweet home. Nak berbuka dgn family. lah ni buat hal. Semangat je aku basuh baju semua kat kolej.
Anyway, selamat berpuasa utk diri sendiri, and to anyone who drops by here purposely or accidentally. Wishing u all d best dalam beribadat..
Saturday, July 30, 2011
End Of Phase One
Hari ni hari last aku kerja di Reject Shop (or supposed to be yesterday). At first seriously, felt like nak habiskan cepat sebulan kerja. Sebulan je kot..To be honest memang penat kerja ni, i mean semua kerja penat. Now i know the real meaning of earning money. Sebelum ni, bukak handphone cari 'sayangmak' tekan button hijau and esoknya duit dah ada.(eventhouh i'm still relying on my parents) Well, this is the real reason why aku kerja. Nak merasa penat mencari duit, rasa susah jadi orang bawah. Rasa susah jadi kuli, sebab bagi aku biar aku rasa susah sekarang so that bila one day aku susah, aku taklah meraba-raba mencari, aku boleh berdiri sendiri.Insyaallah..
Rules in life: 1) Be honest with people around you
2) Be kind to people bcoz what you give, you'll get back.
3) Make so many friends as possible. Jangan memilih kawan.
4) Learn from others.
5) Hati mesti baik
And the list goes on. Banyak benda baik dalam dunia ni. It depends on us to either take it positively or negatively. To be honest aku suka fikir positif, biar buruk mana pun. Positive thinking babe! And i just had a beautiful evening with friends from Reject Shop, makan satay, sembang-sembang, taking pictures but unfortunately i didnt bring my camera. But i surely captured them in my heart to be with me forever.=)
End of phase one.
This is just another story in my life. Making friends, learning something new, being in new environment. I take it as another phase in my life. A sweet phase im sure.
p/s: currently making so called things to buy list=)
Rules in life: 1) Be honest with people around you
2) Be kind to people bcoz what you give, you'll get back.
3) Make so many friends as possible. Jangan memilih kawan.
4) Learn from others.
5) Hati mesti baik
And the list goes on. Banyak benda baik dalam dunia ni. It depends on us to either take it positively or negatively. To be honest aku suka fikir positif, biar buruk mana pun. Positive thinking babe! And i just had a beautiful evening with friends from Reject Shop, makan satay, sembang-sembang, taking pictures but unfortunately i didnt bring my camera. But i surely captured them in my heart to be with me forever.=)
End of phase one.
This is just another story in my life. Making friends, learning something new, being in new environment. I take it as another phase in my life. A sweet phase im sure.
p/s: currently making so called things to buy list=)
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Teguhkan bahtera mu kerana lautan yg kamu harungi itu TERLALU dalam, perjalananmu masih JAUH, ringankan
belakangmu kerana yang didaki itu
TERLALU CURAM, ikhlaskan HATImu kerana ALLAH S.W.T
belakangmu kerana yang didaki itu
TERLALU CURAM, ikhlaskan HATImu kerana ALLAH S.W.T
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Long Way To GO
Lama x update blog..
It has been a while since aku menjenguk blog ni. Masa orang dok sebok psl BERSIH pun aku teringin nak update. Yelah, bila post kat facebook mcm2 org dok kata. Kalau bangkang, kata pro-kerajaan, kalau sokong depa kata kita pro-pembangkang. Well, we cant force others to accept everything we say aite? As long as ukhuwah tu sentiasa terjaga. Nothing's wrong when it comes to argue about things.
Few things about BERSIH, aku actually not against anything yang depa dok perjuangkan. Like i said, kalau kotor, bersihkan cara elok. Sedangkan dlm Islam pn ada cara nk bersihkan najis. Inikan something yang manusia sendiri buat or wujudkan. Apa yg aku against adalah ada hidden agenda behind all this. But still, mcm org ckp bila kerajaan dah corrupted, everything yg jd akan ada opposition behind all this. But, sapa suruh corrupt kn? Berani kerana benar, takut kerana salah. At this point, government salah dlm membuat decision. And aku still xsokong demonstrasi jalanan. Wasnt there and i dont know the real situation there.Well this is just another my point of view.
Okay2..stop about politics. Politik sentiasa kotor. Lebih kurang 2 minggu je lagi aku nk keja kat Reject Shop Mines ni. Kalau tny awat aku keja, mestilah nk independent, merasa duit hasil titik peluh sendiri, and nak cari pengalaman. Memang byk pn pengalaman yg aku dapat. Kenal org tu, faham org ni. And now i learn myself very well. Prinsip yg aku pegang, kalau org tu baek kat aku, aku boleh bls dengan infinity kebaikan. Tapi once kau betray aku. Aku boleh balas dgn seribu kejahatan. BOLEH tp aku xkn buat pn. The least i do is not talking to u. Sorry im not the person who hold revenge for long. Cepat marah, cepat sejuk.
Long Way To Go...
Banyak lagi masa untuk aku baiki diri sendiri. Banyak lagi orang yg aku akan kenal along the way. And hopefully i'll end up well. End up to be someone my parents proud of. End up to be someone who can later contribute to the nation insyaallah.
Seriously, i dont know what else to talk about. Kepada yg membaca, thanx alot. This blog is just a reminder for me. Complete isnt the same as perfect.
Friday, June 10, 2011
my first love
Ke hadapan saudari tercinta,
Hari ni, sempat sy ketemu dgn awk. Tak byk berubah just like the old time. Awk selalu buat sy rasa addicted kat awk. Well, we know each other since form one lg. Nasib baik ada interhouse, kalau x mesti sy xjatuh hati kat awk. Yela, not so many people nak dekati awk. Awk lain dari yg lain. Kwn2 awk pn bkn calang2. Semua org pandang tinggi. A very special one. And sy akui sy masih sygkan awk. Sgt2 sygkn awk. Eventho awk pernah tinggalkan parut kat sy. The one yg akn last forever. But one day, i will tell d story of u to my kids. Insyaallah. Siap ada souvenir lg from awk. Maybe x sehebat yg lain. But still sy tetap akan cerita.
Awk byk ajar sy erti hidup. Kalau jatuh kena bgn semula. Tak boleh selamanya jatuh. Awk buat sy kenal erti sahabat. Kenal erti determination. Dulu lepas awk buat sy skt 4 almost a year sy dah insaf. Taknak dekati awk lg. Tp kat matriks sy ttp jumpa awk. Kali ni kwn2 sekolah lain yg ajk. ckp lelaki ni kalau dah syg, mmg syg betul2. Sembuh je dari sakit sy rapat dgn awk blk. Tp xle seserius dulu. Tp still byk kali jgak kat matriks sy date dgn awk dan dgn kwn2 lain. Kat matriks kedah la..USM lah.. Apa boleh buat,like i said im addicted to u.
Now kat upm pn sy still involve dgn awk. Jeles tgk kwn2 lain boleh serius dgn awk. Tp sy tau had sy. Takkan nk sakit selamanya kan. Thank you awk yg bernama rugby. People might say sy xbetul sbb boleh jatuh hati dgn awk. Tp awk mmg berbeza, awk ajar sy erti kehidupan bg yg nk memikirkan. Bila jatuh kena tackle kena bgn blk. Kalau jatuh xbgn, kita akan klh. Just the same in life. Kita akan jatuh byk kali, tapi kita tetap kena bgn semula. Kita kena ada goal dlm hidup, once kita dah try kita tetap xle leka. In other words,kita kena menang. Sakit daripada injury tu mmg sy xdpt lupa tp it was sweet tho. Tu yg lepas operate pn tetap nk main.
Sy rasa sampai di sini dulu yg mampu sy coretkn psl awk. Thnx ye awk. I owe u alot. No risk no fun. Rugby is a beastly game played by gentlemen. Thanx sbb buat sy gentlemen.=)
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Friday, May 20, 2011
Ada seorang pemuda yang sangat pemarah. Dia tidak dapat
mengawal kemarahannya walaupun ianya hanya satu masalah kecil sahaja.
Pada suatu hari, bapanya telah menghadiahkannya dengan seguni paku. "Untuk apakah paku-paku ini ayah?" tanya pemuda tersebut.
"Setiap kali kamu marah, kamu pakulah tembok batu di hadapan rumah kita ini, bagi melepaskan kemarahan mu" jawab ayahnya. Pada hari yang pertama sahaja, pemuda itu telah memaku sebanyak 37 batang paku pada tembok batu tersebut.
Selepas beberapa minggu, setelah dia dapat mengurangkan kemarahannya, jumlah paku yang digunakan juga berkurangan.
Dia mendapati, adalah lebih mudah mengawal kemarahannya dari memukul paku menembusi tembok batu tersebut. Akhirnya tibalah pada suatu hari, dimana pemuda tersebut tidak marah, walau sekali pun.
Dia pun memberitahu ayahnya mengenai perkara tersebut dengan gembira.
Bapanya mengucapkan tahniah dan menyuruh dia mencabut kembali paku itu satu persatu, pada setiap hari yang ia lalui tanpa kemarahan.
Hari berganti hari, dan akhirnya dia berjaya mencabut kesemua paku-paku tersebut. Pemuda tersebut lantas memberitahu perkara tersebut kepada bapanya dengan bangganya.
Bapanya lantas memimpin tangannya ke tembok tersebut dan berkata "Kau telah melakukannya dengan baik, anakku, tetapi lihatlah kesan lubang-lubang di tembok batu tersebut, tembok itu tidak akan kelihatan sama lagi seperti sebelumnya. Bila kau menyatakan sesuatu atau melakukan sesuatu ketika marah, ianya akan meninggalkan kesan parut dan luka, sama seperti ini. Kau boleh menikam seseorang dengan pisau dan membunuhnya. Tetapi ingatlah, tak kesah berapa kali kau memohon maaf dan menyesal atas perbuatam mu, namun lukanya masih tetap ada. Luka di hati adalah lebih pedih dari luka fizikal.
Sahabat adalah permata yang sukar dicari.
Mereka membuatkan kamu ketawa dan menggalakan mu ke arah kejayaan.
Sahabat juga adalah seorang pendengar, berkongsi suka dan duka dan sentiasa membuka hatinya kepada kita.
Maafkan saya sekiranya saya pernah meninggalkan kesan berlubang di dinding hati anda.
Ada seorang pemuda yang sangat pemarah. Dia tidak dapat
mengawal kemarahannya walaupun ianya hanya satu masalah kecil sahaja.
Pada suatu hari, bapanya telah menghadiahkannya dengan seguni paku. "Untuk apakah paku-paku ini ayah?" tanya pemuda tersebut.
"Setiap kali kamu marah, kamu pakulah tembok batu di hadapan rumah kita ini, bagi melepaskan kemarahan mu" jawab ayahnya. Pada hari yang pertama sahaja, pemuda itu telah memaku sebanyak 37 batang paku pada tembok batu tersebut.
Selepas beberapa minggu, setelah dia dapat mengurangkan kemarahannya, jumlah paku yang digunakan juga berkurangan.
Dia mendapati, adalah lebih mudah mengawal kemarahannya dari memukul paku menembusi tembok batu tersebut. Akhirnya tibalah pada suatu hari, dimana pemuda tersebut tidak marah, walau sekali pun.
Dia pun memberitahu ayahnya mengenai perkara tersebut dengan gembira.
Bapanya mengucapkan tahniah dan menyuruh dia mencabut kembali paku itu satu persatu, pada setiap hari yang ia lalui tanpa kemarahan.
Hari berganti hari, dan akhirnya dia berjaya mencabut kesemua paku-paku tersebut. Pemuda tersebut lantas memberitahu perkara tersebut kepada bapanya dengan bangganya.
Bapanya lantas memimpin tangannya ke tembok tersebut dan berkata "Kau telah melakukannya dengan baik, anakku, tetapi lihatlah kesan lubang-lubang di tembok batu tersebut, tembok itu tidak akan kelihatan sama lagi seperti sebelumnya. Bila kau menyatakan sesuatu atau melakukan sesuatu ketika marah, ianya akan meninggalkan kesan parut dan luka, sama seperti ini. Kau boleh menikam seseorang dengan pisau dan membunuhnya. Tetapi ingatlah, tak kesah berapa kali kau memohon maaf dan menyesal atas perbuatam mu, namun lukanya masih tetap ada. Luka di hati adalah lebih pedih dari luka fizikal.
Sahabat adalah permata yang sukar dicari.
Mereka membuatkan kamu ketawa dan menggalakan mu ke arah kejayaan.
Sahabat juga adalah seorang pendengar, berkongsi suka dan duka dan sentiasa membuka hatinya kepada kita.
Maafkan saya sekiranya saya pernah meninggalkan kesan berlubang di dinding hati anda.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
‘To travel is better than to arrive‘
“Some famous guy once said, ‘To travel is better than to arrive‘. and I was like ‘What!?’ Well, because I used to think that there was only one path to take to where you wanna get to be in life. But if you choose that one path, that doesn’t mean you have to abandon all the others. I realized that it’s actually what happens along the way….that counts. The stumbles or the falls. The friendships. It’s the journey. Not the destination. You just gotta -I guess- trust the future will work itself out like it’s supposed to.”
-Moose (Adam G. Sevani)
Well this might comes from another movie you watched but for me those words really come with deep meaning. This quote was taken from a movie, if you like ever watched it. Step up 3. Okay I am so outdated here. Having a really dull weekend make me spend the whole day watching movies. From death race to i love you beth cooper and last on the list is of course the step up 3. ‘To travel is better than to arrive‘ is truly about the paths we take in our life. Because sometimes or for me it is all the time the paths we take aren’t what we expected. But whether we like it or not it is something that we can never change. You might end up regretting for what you have done or maybe you might want to do it all over again. However, it's the knowledge we gain along the journey, the people we meet, the mistakes we make that gets us to what we really want in our life. No point of regretting the past as the past is past tomorrow will be another day you have to face.
'The only real failure in life is the failure to try'. Life is all about making great decision and great decision comes with great responsibility. Because sometimes the path we take lead us to failure. No one becomes great without failure in his life. And to get to the destiny is not something that is in a blink of an eye. Failure, obstacles, friendships, mistakes, victory and guts are all the ingredients that we'll learn to pick ourselves back up. Kadang-ladang kita terlalu takut dengan masa hadapan sehingga kita segan untuk mencuba, takut dengan masa hadapan sehingga kita lupa erti sebenar kehidupan. We often caught up thinking about what others may think about us. What makes life so precious?
It's the journey itself. Sweet memory, bitter, hardship. That is life. Not only the destination that count. What we gain and what we experience throughout the journey will determine who we will be in future.
Because to succeed you have to stop being ordinary and be legendary in your own way.
sekadar ingatan terhadap diri sendiri.=)
Friday, March 18, 2011
I can never show my sadness in my life. Orang cakap hati batu, but the truth is that I keep it deep in my heart. I might laugh out loud, fooling around, make fun of others. That's just me. I cant put that sad face in front of others. They say Allah will not put us on a test unless He knows that we'll be able to face it. And of course there'll be credit when patient and iman are all the way to face the test. They say every single thing happens in our life for reasons. Either we like it or not, the hikmah is what we have to discover later. Life isnt beautiful. Always it's full of bitter and sweet things.Hidup tak selalunya indah, langit tak selalu cerah tapi mendung bukan selamanya. Hari cerah pasti tiba. I am invincible. But looking back at my parents faces, I know they are strong too. A lot of things happened last few years. And I can only pray that sooner or later please Allah shows me hikmah.
Please Allah, let them smile happily again, let us be the reason they smile again. Bless us all the way of our journey. Give us the courage, the bless and the guts to seek for ur forgiveness.
Follow through
Make your dreams come true
Don't give up the fight
You will be alright
'Cause there's no one
Like you in the universe
Don't be afraid
What your mind consumes
You should make a stand
Stand up for what you believe
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible
During the struggle, they will pull us down
But please, please, let's use this chance to turn things around
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible
Please Allah, let them smile happily again, let us be the reason they smile again. Bless us all the way of our journey. Give us the courage, the bless and the guts to seek for ur forgiveness.
Follow through
Make your dreams come true
Don't give up the fight
You will be alright
'Cause there's no one
Like you in the universe
Don't be afraid
What your mind consumes
You should make a stand
Stand up for what you believe
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible
During the struggle, they will pull us down
But please, please, let's use this chance to turn things around
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible
I was young but I wasn't naive
I watched helpless as you turned around to leave
And still I have the pain I have to carry
A past so deep that even you could not bury if you tried
After all this time
I never thought we'd be here
Never thought we'd be here
When my love for you was blind
But I couldn't make you see it
Couldn't make you see it
That I loved you more than you'll ever know
A part of me died when I let you go
I would fall asleep
Only in hopes of dreaming
That everything would be like it was before
But nights like this it seems are slowly fleeting
They disappear as reality is crashing to the floor
After all this time
I never thought we'd be here
Never thought we'd be here
When my love for you was blind
But I couldn't make you see it
Couldn't make you see it
That I loved you more than you'll ever know
A part of me died when I let you go
After all this why
Would you ever wanna leave it
Maybe you could not believe it
That my love for you was blind
But I couldn't make you see it
Couldn't make you see it
That I loved you more than you will ever know
A part of me died when I let you go
I watched helpless as you turned around to leave
And still I have the pain I have to carry
A past so deep that even you could not bury if you tried
After all this time
I never thought we'd be here
Never thought we'd be here
When my love for you was blind
But I couldn't make you see it
Couldn't make you see it
That I loved you more than you'll ever know
A part of me died when I let you go
I would fall asleep
Only in hopes of dreaming
That everything would be like it was before
But nights like this it seems are slowly fleeting
They disappear as reality is crashing to the floor
After all this time
I never thought we'd be here
Never thought we'd be here
When my love for you was blind
But I couldn't make you see it
Couldn't make you see it
That I loved you more than you'll ever know
A part of me died when I let you go
After all this why
Would you ever wanna leave it
Maybe you could not believe it
That my love for you was blind
But I couldn't make you see it
Couldn't make you see it
That I loved you more than you will ever know
A part of me died when I let you go
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
A Walk To Remember
Love is patient,
love is kind.
Love is not jealous,it does not brag,
and it is not proud.
Love is not rude, is not selfish,
and does not become angry easily
Love does not remember wrongs done against it
Love is not happy with evil, but is happy with truth.
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I really hope u are reading this.
When life is getting harder, you are always there, giving ur words saying life isnt beautiful, you are the one who needs to decorate it, to paint it, to make it beautiful. I know you are strong. You are the one who always inspires me. The one who always strive to be the best and beat the rest. And I know. you are so determined in your life. You have your goals, big ambition and never look back. Never take those obstacles in front as something that will stop you from your goals. I know you are a big hearted person, and you'll bounce back higher whenever you fall and that what you always say to me. So now is your time to bounce back.
Ask yourself this question:
"Are you going to finish strong?"
Because u'll never can predict what the future holds but it'll come soon enough. Everything happens for reasons. Our Creator will never put us on a test if He knows we cant handle it. Be happy and be yourself. I know u are strong and never give up because a quitter never wins and winner never quits.
When life is getting harder, you are always there, giving ur words saying life isnt beautiful, you are the one who needs to decorate it, to paint it, to make it beautiful. I know you are strong. You are the one who always inspires me. The one who always strive to be the best and beat the rest. And I know. you are so determined in your life. You have your goals, big ambition and never look back. Never take those obstacles in front as something that will stop you from your goals. I know you are a big hearted person, and you'll bounce back higher whenever you fall and that what you always say to me. So now is your time to bounce back.
Ask yourself this question:
"Are you going to finish strong?"
Because u'll never can predict what the future holds but it'll come soon enough. Everything happens for reasons. Our Creator will never put us on a test if He knows we cant handle it. Be happy and be yourself. I know u are strong and never give up because a quitter never wins and winner never quits.
Oh yeah!!
What a hectic weekend!
As I said in last entry, I was one of the committee in organizing the FONESTA. Penat because balik je mesti pukul 2 lbey. Dengan aktiviti yang penuh sehari, lenguh gak kaki weh.. But then ada gak tercuri tulang. Sory Emi, cant help it man. And of course I gained a lot of experiences. Tak perlulah cerita semua, cukuplah kalau setiap benda yang dibuat tu kalau dihayati, mesti ada terkesan di hati. For example bila angkat sampah ramai2, kadang-kadang kita take for granted to those who work in this field. Jijiklah, gelilah, busuklah, nyampah! But then ada orang can stand all this. Susah rupanya kerja angkat sampah ni. So next time, dont ever look down at those MP workers, mereka juga manusia macam kita. Ada perasaan macam kita, baru rasa busuk untuk sampah yang xsampai sehari, just imagine mereka yang setiap hari deal with this thing. Fuhh! Tak tahan beb!
So overall, this festival was a successful one. Kalau dikira dengan karenah birokrasi and all those obstacles yang berjaya diaatasi. Salute to all FONESTA team. Oh yeah!!!PRK pun baru berlalu. So as a very responsible, dedicated, and complicated first year student, aku turun menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai pengundi. Senang je. Serius xtipu. Klik sana,klik sini. Selesai.Gilababibosan dengan PRK ni. My first impression mcm mestilah gempak kan. Boleh tengok all those so called leader wannabe berucap dan menjayakan kempen. Hampeh je!
Senangnya bercakap. Kalau nk gempak pegi ah jd calon sendiri. Kalau boleh memang aku nak jadi calon pun. Tapi kalau dah kalau tu, semuanya indah kan. Apa yang aku nampak, politics in uni is so boring. Macam member aku sorang cakap. Quote from him,"Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead
of right or wrong... (mode: bored with PRK)
Betullah tu kot. Budak-budak ni sakan berkempen bukan nak fight for student's rights but then untuk kepentingan tertentu. Akhirnya apa yang aku dapat observe, bukan 'kita' yang pegang. Orang lain. Not to say Im being racist, aku pun ada sorang kawan baek chinese, siap pernah lepak umah dia 2-3 malam lagi. What I am trying to say, we are not in one voice. Tak bersatu, masing-masing tunjuk taring. Sampai bila kita nak tengok keadaan macam ni. Bagi aku, bila kat uni, theres no government side or the oppo side. We fight for student's right. Nama je mahasiswa, but then they showed 3rd class minded, bawa keranda sana sini what for? Agak-agaklah bro nak buat orang ingat mati pun. Show 1st class mentality, and everyone will respect us. An educated person will not voice out through demonstration,
dumb does!
p/s: please jangan comparekan demontrasi di egypt,libya dengan demonstration by our students. frankly speaking,sometimes demonstration with 1st class minded will make the different.
As I said in last entry, I was one of the committee in organizing the FONESTA. Penat because balik je mesti pukul 2 lbey. Dengan aktiviti yang penuh sehari, lenguh gak kaki weh.. But then ada gak tercuri tulang. Sory Emi, cant help it man. And of course I gained a lot of experiences. Tak perlulah cerita semua, cukuplah kalau setiap benda yang dibuat tu kalau dihayati, mesti ada terkesan di hati. For example bila angkat sampah ramai2, kadang-kadang kita take for granted to those who work in this field. Jijiklah, gelilah, busuklah, nyampah! But then ada orang can stand all this. Susah rupanya kerja angkat sampah ni. So next time, dont ever look down at those MP workers, mereka juga manusia macam kita. Ada perasaan macam kita, baru rasa busuk untuk sampah yang xsampai sehari, just imagine mereka yang setiap hari deal with this thing. Fuhh! Tak tahan beb!
So overall, this festival was a successful one. Kalau dikira dengan karenah birokrasi and all those obstacles yang berjaya diaatasi. Salute to all FONESTA team. Oh yeah!!!PRK pun baru berlalu. So as a very responsible, dedicated, and complicated first year student, aku turun menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai pengundi. Senang je. Serius xtipu. Klik sana,klik sini. Selesai.
Senangnya bercakap. Kalau nk gempak pegi ah jd calon sendiri. Kalau boleh memang aku nak jadi calon pun. Tapi kalau dah kalau tu, semuanya indah kan. Apa yang aku nampak, politics in uni is so boring. Macam member aku sorang cakap. Quote from him,"Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead
of right or wrong... (mode: bored with PRK)
Betullah tu kot. Budak-budak ni sakan berkempen bukan nak fight for student's rights but then untuk kepentingan tertentu. Akhirnya apa yang aku dapat observe, bukan 'kita' yang pegang. Orang lain. Not to say Im being racist, aku pun ada sorang kawan baek chinese, siap pernah lepak umah dia 2-3 malam lagi. What I am trying to say, we are not in one voice. Tak bersatu, masing-masing tunjuk taring. Sampai bila kita nak tengok keadaan macam ni. Bagi aku, bila kat uni, theres no government side or the oppo side. We fight for student's right. Nama je mahasiswa, but then they showed 3rd class minded, bawa keranda sana sini what for? Agak-agaklah bro nak buat orang ingat mati pun. Show 1st class mentality, and everyone will respect us. An educated person will not voice out through demonstration,
dumb does!
p/s: please jangan comparekan demontrasi di egypt,libya dengan demonstration by our students. frankly speaking,sometimes demonstration with 1st class minded will make the different.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
love is blind
Cinta itu datang dalam berbagai bentuk. Syukur kepada Allah kerana mengurniakan perasaan ini kepada kita. Selalunya perasaan ni mesti hadir bersebab. Cinta pandang pertama, cinta sebab caringnya someone tu terhadap kita dan macam-macam lagi. Semestinya pelik kalau kita tak pernah melihat orang tu tapi kita sayang sepenuhnya. Sampai termimpi-mimpi, terkenang-kenang mulut pulak menyebut-nyebut. Pernah jumpa orang macam ni? Kalau jumpa, please kenalkan aku kat dia. Mesti agung cintanya tu, nak jugak aku kenal dengan orang tu. Mesti kalah romeo n juliet, qaisy n laila, or maybe lagi agung daripada cinta adam kepada hawa. Fuhh..
Tapi this someone, aku xpernah jumpa, even a pic pun xpernah ada. Tapi aku tau, this 'someone' really loves me and of course orang yang tengah membaca ni. Kalau x, xkn sanggup der nak ulang alik memalukan diri dengan Pencipta nak mintak kurangkan solat semata-mata untuk umatNya. Tambah malu bila nabi2 laen seolah-olah memperlekehkan baginda n kita kerana kita dikatakan umat yang lemah. It is fact. Aku sendiri lemah. Agung kan cinta baginda? Tak pernah jumpa, tapi sentiasa mendoakan kita. Risaunya baginda terhadap kita umat akhir zaman ni. Baginda jugak menjanjikan syafaat untuk kita. Siap ada telaga lagi nnt di akhirat khas untuk umat tercinta. Aku xmampu nak cerita banyak. Sebab kadang-kadang kita lupa bahawa ada 'someone' who really loves us. Kalau mampu,cuba hayati bagaimana kisah kewafatan baginda.SINI.
Kalau xbergenang airmata, moga2 terkesan jugak kat hati. Kasihnya Rasulullah. Siapa mampu tandingi? Saat wafat pun masih mampu menyebut umatku, umatku. Saat kesakitan sakaratul maut pun masih bertanyakan tentang sakaratul maut yang akan dihadapi kita. Ya Allah, agung betul cinta kekasihMu ini. SINI. Aku xtau mcm mana nak gambarkan, sedangkan aku ni pun selalu je hanyut. Tapi, harapnya kita mampu mencintai baginda. Maybe xsetanding cinta baginda kpd kita. Cukuplah sekadar berselawat dan sentiasa mengingati baginda. Selamat menyambut maulidur rasul.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Lamanya tak mengupdate blog. To be honest, I actually dont have anything to write pun. And this week is the second week in February. Till now nothing interesting happened except for ehem2* lah kan.=) Okay xnk cte pasal ehem2. Nak cte pasal leadership. What is leaership actually? Is it all about being someone that others will always respect and obey you or maybe leadership has its own deep meaning instead of being so called 'someone'. Susah sebenarnya nak jadi leader ni. Bukan benda senang. And for sure everyone is born to be a leader. Maybe if not to others but definitely to himself. “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. -John C. Maxwell
Maybe to show the ways is easy aite? Just do what you ask others to do but then to ask people to do what to do is the problem. People might not have the same attitude or should I say mentality as yours. So what is it all about being a leader if u cant even handle people and to make them to work things with u. Susah2.. Apa yang aku cuba nak sampaikan, some of us always good when it comes to talk the talk. Cakap sana-sini..Kutuk sana kutuk sini but when comes to walk the talk, tak semua mampu. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams
Me myself isnt a leader to any organization pun. Cakap je lebih dia ni. Tak pernah pulak involve dgn any organization now nak cerita pasal leadership.pfft.. So what? Malaysia negara demokrasi apa. Okay fine, next week will be FONESTA or nama panjangnya Festival 14 macam tula. So adalah committe yang handle. Being one of the committe member, I realised it is really hard to be a leader. Bukan setakat talk the talk but then kena jugak walk the talk. Tak susah if u have the capability or u have the influence to others. First, to be a leader, u must be a follower or else people wont respect u. And once u are a leader jangan pijak orang bawah. Kalau tak, jadilah kau macam Hosni Mubarak.klik sini So, siapa leader yang paling hebat pun. Name them please. So far, aku really admire Tun Mahathir sini. Put away all his bad sides, semua orang ada his own. But take what he had done to our beloved Malaysia. People once criticized him when he spoke out his opinion to build the KLCC but now? Jawab sendirilah. And one more Islamic leader who really aspires me. Ahmadinejad here. Nak kenal?
Maybe to show the ways is easy aite? Just do what you ask others to do but then to ask people to do what to do is the problem. People might not have the same attitude or should I say mentality as yours. So what is it all about being a leader if u cant even handle people and to make them to work things with u. Susah2.. Apa yang aku cuba nak sampaikan, some of us always good when it comes to talk the talk. Cakap sana-sini..Kutuk sana kutuk sini but when comes to walk the talk, tak semua mampu. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams
Me myself isnt a leader to any organization pun. Cakap je lebih dia ni. Tak pernah pulak involve dgn any organization now nak cerita pasal leadership.pfft.. So what? Malaysia negara demokrasi apa. Okay fine, next week will be FONESTA or nama panjangnya Festival 14 macam tula. So adalah committe yang handle. Being one of the committe member, I realised it is really hard to be a leader. Bukan setakat talk the talk but then kena jugak walk the talk. Tak susah if u have the capability or u have the influence to others. First, to be a leader, u must be a follower or else people wont respect u. And once u are a leader jangan pijak orang bawah. Kalau tak, jadilah kau macam Hosni Mubarak.klik sini So, siapa leader yang paling hebat pun. Name them please. So far, aku really admire Tun Mahathir sini. Put away all his bad sides, semua orang ada his own. But take what he had done to our beloved Malaysia. People once criticized him when he spoke out his opinion to build the KLCC but now? Jawab sendirilah. And one more Islamic leader who really aspires me. Ahmadinejad here. Nak kenal?
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Aku bukanlah terlalu alim untuk berbicara bab2 agama. Selain dari kelas waktu sekolah, selebihnya aku dpt from pembacaan. Ada kadang-kadang terkesan sampai ke hari ni aku pegang. Ada tu baca jela, then terus terlupa. Insafnya pun sekejap jela, then terus senang dihasut. Manusia la katakan. Aku suka dengan satu ayat kalau xsalah aku ayat al Quran ni. Dalam al Baqarah kot. Jap nak gi Google. Ayat al Quran oi. Mana boleh buat main-main. Ha..see..x tipu punya. Betullah tu. Bunyi dia macam ni...
Diwajibkan atas kamu berperang, padahal berperang itu adalah sesuatu yang kamu benci. Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui. (Surah. Al Baqarah:216)
Terpulang pada individu untuk menafsirkan. Takkan aku nak buat tafsiran sendiri. Tak pasal2 terpesong akidah. Tapi apa yang aku nak sampaikan kat sini. Somehow, kalau dihayati sepenuhnya, ayat ni akan buat kita redha dengan segala ketentuan. Ni ayat yang aku pegang selama ni. Kalau berduka, ayat nilah penawarnya. Kalau sakit, ayat ini lah ubatnya. Bagi aku kita takkan selalu dapat apa yang kita nak, kerana selebihnya hanya Allah yang maha mengetahui.Hmm..renung2kan dan selamat beramal!
“Janganlah kamu takut dan janganlah kamu bersedih hati. Sesungguhnya Allah ada bersama kita”
Kata-kata nabi Muhammad kepada sahabat iaitu Abu Bakar ketika hijrah.
Monday, January 3, 2011
3rd January
So nothing interesting happen utk hari ni except for hari ni hari 1st masuk kuliah untuk 2nd semester. First impression pun dah x elok. Datang lewat, semua salah contact lens. So from today onwards setiap hari akan bermula dengan tangisan. Seksa jugak nak put on the contact lens. Kata Amar maybe sebab x biasa lagi. Nanti dah biasa mesti x nangis la punya. Haha. Hari ni mengingatkan aku kepada peristiwa about 12 tahun lepas. Sebab 3rd January jgak semua sekolah start termasuklah sekolah rendah.
Bagi aku, 1st day sekolah rendah adalah amat menyeronokkan. Maybe sebab perasaan excited melebihi segalanya kot. Mau x nya. Aku tidur pakai kasut kot the night before. Nak pakai uniform maybe terlebih hyperbola kot. Tapi just to describe the eagerness nak start sekolah. Apa yang aku ingat 1st day sekolah aku cool je. Tak macam budak-budak lain. So immature behaviour. Nak melalak, menangis, merayu parents just to stay with them. Bukan akulah nak buat camtu kan. I was relax, cool and so confidence that everything gonna be alright. So aku pun tengok je lah budak-budak masa tu seolah-olah aku ni dah lama masuk sekolah. Macam pandang rendah and kehairanan la kan. Biasalah masa budak-budak. Nak berlagak cool and macho. Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.-Carl Jung
Apa yang aku ingat, aku dapatlah kenal few friends yang satu tadika dulu. And diorang pun cool and steady. Budak cool mesti nak geng dengan budak cool kan. Mana boleh geng dengan budak-budak hingusan. And the day went smoothly, nothing happened except for there were still budak-budak menangis merayu meminta simpati. Suddenly aku rasa sangat sakit perut. And seriously cikgu aku x bawak kitorang round2 sekolah macam minggu orientasi camtula. So the choice was either tahan and berkemungkinan boleh melepas bila-bila or pergi tanya cikgu kat mana tandas. And bila berdepan dengan cikgu, soalan yang ditanya adalah "Cikgu, mana bilik guru?"
Haa..mesti cam wonder kan why aku tanya bilik guru instead of tandas. Sebab, aku nak pergi jumpa mak aku. She was one of the teacher. Senanglah sikit, boleh pau tandas cikgu terus. Tak payah geli-geli nak masuk tandas student. Bijak x? Ironinya, aku actually x rasa cool or relax pun masa tu. More to rasa selamat sebab mak ada kat situ all the time. Agak-agak rasa lapar je, cari mak. But aku xlah menggunakan kuasa veto ni untuk kepentingan diri. Telinga aku pun pernah kena piat dengan mak sebab bising dalam kelas kot. It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.- e.e. Cummings
Cepat masa berlalu kan?wish I could turn back the clock. Nak repair mana-mana yang x kena. Tapi tu hakikat kita xleh lawan. Moga masa depan menjanjikan sesuatu untuk aku. Amin. You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can't have it.
-Robert Anthony
Bagi aku, 1st day sekolah rendah adalah amat menyeronokkan. Maybe sebab perasaan excited melebihi segalanya kot. Mau x nya. Aku tidur pakai kasut kot the night before. Nak pakai uniform maybe terlebih hyperbola kot. Tapi just to describe the eagerness nak start sekolah. Apa yang aku ingat 1st day sekolah aku cool je. Tak macam budak-budak lain. So immature behaviour. Nak melalak, menangis, merayu parents just to stay with them. Bukan akulah nak buat camtu kan. I was relax, cool and so confidence that everything gonna be alright. So aku pun tengok je lah budak-budak masa tu seolah-olah aku ni dah lama masuk sekolah. Macam pandang rendah and kehairanan la kan. Biasalah masa budak-budak. Nak berlagak cool and macho. Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.-Carl Jung
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Kelas 3S1-Johan koir =) |
Apa yang aku ingat, aku dapatlah kenal few friends yang satu tadika dulu. And diorang pun cool and steady. Budak cool mesti nak geng dengan budak cool kan. Mana boleh geng dengan budak-budak hingusan. And the day went smoothly, nothing happened except for there were still budak-budak menangis merayu meminta simpati. Suddenly aku rasa sangat sakit perut. And seriously cikgu aku x bawak kitorang round2 sekolah macam minggu orientasi camtula. So the choice was either tahan and berkemungkinan boleh melepas bila-bila or pergi tanya cikgu kat mana tandas. And bila berdepan dengan cikgu, soalan yang ditanya adalah "Cikgu, mana bilik guru?"
Haa..mesti cam wonder kan why aku tanya bilik guru instead of tandas. Sebab, aku nak pergi jumpa mak aku. She was one of the teacher. Senanglah sikit, boleh pau tandas cikgu terus. Tak payah geli-geli nak masuk tandas student. Bijak x? Ironinya, aku actually x rasa cool or relax pun masa tu. More to rasa selamat sebab mak ada kat situ all the time. Agak-agak rasa lapar je, cari mak. But aku xlah menggunakan kuasa veto ni untuk kepentingan diri. Telinga aku pun pernah kena piat dengan mak sebab bising dalam kelas kot. It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.- e.e. Cummings
Cepat masa berlalu kan?wish I could turn back the clock. Nak repair mana-mana yang x kena. Tapi tu hakikat kita xleh lawan. Moga masa depan menjanjikan sesuatu untuk aku. Amin. You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can't have it.
-Robert Anthony
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Oh!! it's 2011
See..sekejap je dah habis setahun. Pejam celik dah habis setahun. Actually, I kinda dislike 2011, sebab cam x lawa the numbers. Ada pulak kaitan the numbers dengan best x best the year should be. Tapi mcm mana aku suka 2010 pun, 2010 lah paling perit. Orang cakap zaman peralihan. From high school or matriks to uni life. Mine might not be that different. Yelah, locals uni of course lah x susah sangat nak adapt. Kawan-kat kat overseas lg lah susah. Nak adapt dengan new culture, condition kat sana lagi. Bila fikir-fikir balik, 2010 ni macam a year yang determine my life's route. Maybe not 100%, tp part of my life adalah from 2010. Macam-macam berlaku, kalau nk cerita from A-Z mmg x habislah kan. Boleh muntah sebab boring kalau baca pun.
Thanks to Loma, Maputz, and Abop (hope I spell it right) for sharing your life experiences. Diorang ni senior aku, and tengah dalam fasa pekerjaan. So no doubt their experiences banyak compare dengan aku yang seciput ni. Cerita itu, cerita ini. Alih-alih xsedar dah pagi terus melantak kat Azura. 2010 jugak buat aku realize the way to recognize penipu. Tak susah sangat pun, cakap itu, cakap ini. Alih-alih buatnya benda lain. Kan senang tu. Bahasa kasarnya munafik, tapi bukanlah aku nak menghukum. Manusia kan senang berubah.
Pernah dengar cerita perlumbaan arnab dengan kura-kura? Sebenarnya ada perlumbaan kedua. Kita yang xtau. Menurut al kisah, kura-kura ni sebenarnya boleh jadi lagi laju daripada arnab. Tapi benda yang kura-kura kena buat adalah dengan membuang cengkerang keras kat belakang dia tu. Tapi satu benda yang buat aku respect dengan kura-kura, dia xkan sesekali buang cengkerang tu. Sebab bagi dia, mengekalkan identiti lagi penting. Kalau dia nak menang pun biarlah dengan nama kura-kura. Sebab bila dah buang, itu bukan kura-kura namanya. Kan?nak panggil apa pun xtau.
Ironinya, kura-kura tu adalah kita sendiri. Tak perlu buang identiti sendiri just nak menang 1 perlumbaan. Jadi diri sendiri and berusaha dengan identiti sendiri. Dan xperlu nak amik identiti others just to please people around you. In other words, tak perlu hipokrit. Orang maybe xnampak, tapi sampai bila nak bertahan.
Thanks to Loma, Maputz, and Abop (hope I spell it right) for sharing your life experiences. Diorang ni senior aku, and tengah dalam fasa pekerjaan. So no doubt their experiences banyak compare dengan aku yang seciput ni. Cerita itu, cerita ini. Alih-alih xsedar dah pagi terus melantak kat Azura. 2010 jugak buat aku realize the way to recognize penipu. Tak susah sangat pun, cakap itu, cakap ini. Alih-alih buatnya benda lain. Kan senang tu. Bahasa kasarnya munafik, tapi bukanlah aku nak menghukum. Manusia kan senang berubah.
Pernah dengar cerita perlumbaan arnab dengan kura-kura? Sebenarnya ada perlumbaan kedua. Kita yang xtau. Menurut al kisah, kura-kura ni sebenarnya boleh jadi lagi laju daripada arnab. Tapi benda yang kura-kura kena buat adalah dengan membuang cengkerang keras kat belakang dia tu. Tapi satu benda yang buat aku respect dengan kura-kura, dia xkan sesekali buang cengkerang tu. Sebab bagi dia, mengekalkan identiti lagi penting. Kalau dia nak menang pun biarlah dengan nama kura-kura. Sebab bila dah buang, itu bukan kura-kura namanya. Kan?nak panggil apa pun xtau.
Ironinya, kura-kura tu adalah kita sendiri. Tak perlu buang identiti sendiri just nak menang 1 perlumbaan. Jadi diri sendiri and berusaha dengan identiti sendiri. Dan xperlu nak amik identiti others just to please people around you. In other words, tak perlu hipokrit. Orang maybe xnampak, tapi sampai bila nak bertahan.
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